Managing the power of water with over 130 years of expertise in hydraulic works, Maccaferri supports clients by selecting solutions appropriate to the hydraulic erosion risk they face. With a wide range of products, we are able to tailor the intervention to optimise value and performance. Maccaferri solutions are flexible, permeable and durable, essential in these dynamic hydraulic environments.
Including soil bioengineering measures within the hydraulic works encourages revegetation, integrating it back into nature.

Erosion of the land by wind, rain or storm water run-off can have far reaching consequences.
Maccaferri offers a graded, logical range of erosion control solutions so that the level of intervention is appropriate to the erosion risk encountered:
- Biomac® biodegradable biomats
- MacMat® reinforced and un-reinforced geomats
- MacTex® EC
- Traditional double twist steel wire-based products
- Gabions, Reno Mattresses® and Wire Mesh
When Maccaferri’s clients need a small retaining wall in a housing development, a tall crusher wall in a mine or massive reinforced soil structures on a major infrastructure project, they trust Maccaferri to help. We offer cost-effective, value-engineered, scalable solutions for clients with earth retention problems.
Mass Gravity Retaining Walls
Tried and tested for over a century, our Gabions are brought up to date with state-of-the-art manufacturing, corrosion resistance and design. Gabions offer a good value, attractive and long-lasting retaining wall. A global leader in double-twist woven wire mesh products, our flexible gabion units offer strength and high drainage capacity. They absorb differential settlement and deformations with ease.

Whether constructing a railway track-bed, gravel forestry track over soft soil, or resurfacing. a multi-lane highway, Maccaferri’s leading range of solutions help to improve performance:
- Reduce maintenance requirements
- Reduce material use
- Reduce fatigue, reflective, thermal and settlement cracking
- Reduce carbon-footprint
- Lower whole life costs
When construction is carried out upon weak ground, there is the possibility of differential settlement occurring. This is caused by geological effects including subsidence, sink holes and solution features and by man-made effects such as old mine workings.
Construction over soft soils
Embankments constructed on cohesive or alluvial soils may be subject to settlement, and geosynthetics are often used to meet the service life and serviceability settlement requirements of the project including:
- ParaLink® high strength-low strain geogrids to reinforce the embankment foundations
- ParaGrid® and MacGrid® geogrids
- MacTex® W1 and W2 woven geotextiles to reinforce and separate the foundation materials
- MacDrain® vertical wick drains to accelerate the consolidation of the soil
- MacTex® H geotextiles to separate poor strata from better quality embankment construction materials

Maccaferri offers engineered solutions to protect and ballast submerged pipelines, to reduce coastal erosion and to reduce inland flooding.
Pipeline Protection
Maccaferri’s Sarmac® bituminous mattresses and our ACBM (Articulated Concrete Block Mattresses) ballast and protect underwater pipelines and cables. They are flexible, deformable and impact-resistant.
Without adequate drainage, the soils in contact with structures can become saturated and weakened potentially causing numerous problems.
MacDrain® drainage geocomposites (with a geomat or geonet core) are the modern solutions to replace traditional gravel drains, which reduces:
- The cost of the drainage system
- The quantity of quarried materials
- The polluting truck movements needed to deliver the gravel

With over 60 years of experience, Maccaferri’s rockfall protection and natural hazard mitigation systems are key elements in the security and safety of people, roads, railways, mining operations and property.
Simple Drapery
Maccaferri’s steel wire double twist drapery mesh is flexible and conforms easily to the rock slope to contain loose and falling rock debris. For higher slopes and increased debris loads (or snow/ice loads), Maccaferri Steelgrid® HR high strength drapery mesh can be used.